Monday, April 19, 2010

1 1/2 Hours until April 20 in Ethiopia!!!

And why is that so important, you might ask?

Because it is our first (and hopefully ONLY) court date; the day our little EM could become OURS.

So please, please pray. Midnight in Ethiopia starts at 4 pm today our time. So court will likely be taking place sometime while we are sleeping.

Pray now! Pray if you wake up in the middle of the night! Pray, pray, pray (please, please, please!)

And then I can show you her beautiful little face.

And on top of really wanting to bring her home ASAP, we also really want to pass court now, because in a few weeks, the process changes in Ethiopia, meaning we would have to travel to ET for our court date, come home, wait, and then travel back to ET for a second trip to get her and bring her home. It would be nice to avoid this if possible. On the other hand, I am so excited to see her that I would jump on a plane this afternoon if they told me I had to.

We will let you know as soon as we hear!!